Thursday, September 25, 2008

If you are updated you will know that there is a mood of uncertainty going on in SA right now. As a person who likes to stay on the positive side of things I asked my self, what makes me love my country? Especially at this time where things are tough. It is at times like this that our loyalities to our beloved country is put to the test.

I came across this poem which affirmed my sentiments. I thought I should share and hope whoever reads and loves SA draws strenght from it. Share your thoughts what makes you love your country?

Why do I love South Africa?

I love her for the perfection of her days
The crisp Karoo morning
The Joburg winter noon
The late summer Cape Town sunset
The star-filled Free State night
I love her for her people
For our warm smiles
For our resilience
For our I-am-because-we-are
I love her because she delights my senses

Highveld thunderbolts
Jacarandas in bloom
Sunday braais
African sun,
Icy sea
I love her raw power, her intensity, her strength

I love her because of how she makes me feel
Sometimes angry, sometimes joyous
Sometimes fearful, sometimes love-filled
Sometimes frustrated, sometimes hopeful

Always aliveI love her because she intrigues me
And challenges me
The Chinese have a curse: "May you live in interesting times"
I see it as a blessing
I love her because she helps me keep things in perspective
By reminding me how privileged I am

Every dayI love her for being a microcosm of the world
A world in one country
For what we can teach the world
About compromise
And sharing
And forgiveness
And tolerance
And hope

I love her because she's imperfect
And full of opportunity
And potential unfulfilled
I love her because she has come so far
And has so much further to go
And whether we ever get there
Will all depend on us

I love her because she's been so good to me
And she inspires me to return the favour
I love her because she's my country
No matter whatI love her because she's my home
And where my soul is at rest

By Ian Macdonald


Cori said...

I loved this poem.

And I love this country for its diversity, for the mix of people, for the way you can have friends who are from a variety of religions, races, backgrounds, language groups, political persuasions, and life walks who can be openly themselves. This is a real gift we take for granted!

I'm thrilled you've started a blog :)

Alberto said...

you've started a a blog but you haven't continued a blog... this is about writing futhi!!!

loved your words, i kind of miss all those people i met during this last months (i.e. you!), white, coloured, yellow, red (always) and blue (sometimes)... it would have been great being able to walk the streets!!!!!

Futhi said...

Wow, Alberto. You met red people and blue people. That is incredible :) I am having a writer's block. Or should I say, it's a blog's block. I will write again soon I promise :)

Alberto said...

keep your promises futhi!!!! write soon:-)
